Visionary Solutions PacketAV DuetA/V network technologies specialist Visionary Solutions has announced PacketAV Duet – the first platform to deliver Dante connectivity for video.

Having brought fast, easy and economical networking of multichannel audio-over-IP to sound applications, Visionary Solutions reckons to extend the reach of Dante to video using PacketAV and Dante Controller.

PacketAV Duet Encoder and Decoder deliver visually lossless, ultra-low latency 4K UHD video and Dante over Gigabit Ethernet, bypassing the constraints of traditional switch matrix systems by harnessing the flexibility and scalability of converged IP networks. ‘Audio professionals have long understood the power, control and expandability of the Dante platform for digital audio,’ says Visionary Solutions CEO, Scott Freshman. ‘Now, PacketAV Duet delivers that same connectivity for UHD video, enabling you to route video using Dante Controller. This is video for audio pros. If you know how to use Dante for audio, you know how to use PacketAV Duet for video. This really does change everything.’

With Visionary’s PacketTV and PacketAV products, 4K UHD, as well as full 1080p HD and lower resolution content can be delivered to a virtually limitless number of screens over any standard GbE network, even sharing space on existing enterprise networks using standard network protocols and devices. A single network can carry audio, video and data. Installation no longer requires expensive proprietary components or 10GbE switches. Distributed displays and multi-component video walls are easily configured, and controllers from Crestron and AMX devices, and other third-parties are supported.


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