With its new RackBox universal cloud-based any-to-all platform, IP audio and control specialist Barix is offering its IP paging and intercom expertise to large broadcast and emergency response networks.

Barix RackBoxOriginallydeveloped as a custom system for a large national US TV broadcaster, Barix has released RackBox to serve a broader set of paging and intercom needs inside and outside the broadcast industry. In addition to TV and radio networks, RackBox is intended for professional alarm and notification applications over military, emergency response and business networks that serve many locations. RackBox’s single-button user interface enables immediate delivery of important messages to all stations over local and wide-area networks.

The 19-inch 1U-high RackBox integrates Barix’s IPAM400 IP Audio module at its core, with support for multiple audio formats, interfaces, and IP-based streaming and control. The Linux-based programmable module adapts the latest standards, allowing users to comfortably operate RackBox on standard IP networks as well as the public internet.

RackBox systems are infinitely scalable, with each device programmable as a transmitter, receiver or both. Using independent, ultra-reliable Barix AudioSpread devices, the system replicates the live stream globally to receivers anywhere without depending on multicast or complicated configurations. An optional management portal supports real-time monitoring and central configuration.

RackBox’s robust hardware ensures constant availability, assisted by redundant power connections, and the system layout can be set up using dual-network paths while seamlessly integrating with an organisation’s central IT infrastructure. Its limited bandwidth requirements, low latency, and standards compliance makes the RackBox system ideal for use on existing IT infrastructure.

‘RackBox represents our latest advances in cloud-based replication and remote monitoring technology to serve a broad variety of universal communication requirements,’ says Barix founder and CTO, Johannes Rietschel. ‘As one of the first vendors to innovate paging and intercom solutions for use on IP networks nearly 20 years ago, Barix brings reliable emergency communications over the network to a global scale with RackBox, along with the cost-savings that come from transitioning to IP from satellite for widespread communications.’

The transition from satellite-based communications has been especially appealing to broadcasters who have been using similar satellite-based systems for decades. RackBox allows broadcasters to quickly communicate critical information, breaking news, and operational info across its complete network of stations, using available, low-cost IP networks.

RackBox provides the same value and benefits for emergency messaging over fire and police networks, and also allows communicating critical messages across enterprise networks. Rietschel cites banking networks that want to quickly communicate important financial and stock market updates as one application of interest within the enterprise business community.

More: www.barix.com

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