Clear Tune Monitors CE220Florida-based manufacturer of high performance in-ear monitor systems Clear Tune Monitors has added the CE220 to its product line-up.

The latest model in the company’s CE Series, the CE220 uses dual balanced armatures that claim ‘robust lows and excellent definition’ and is priced to appeal to first-time buyers as well as owners of custom IEMs looking for a cost-effective backup.

The CE220’s component design is supported by CTM’s Wave Integrating Sonic Element (WISE) technology, which delivers an immersive and consistent reference audio experience. The ergonomic, custom-like shell shape design of this monitor is based on data gathered from more than 20,000 ear impressions that CTM engineers have worked with in the past ten years, and ensures stability and comfort with -26dB of isolation.

The CE220 is offered with either a clear or smoke shell housing, and comes with a standard 0.78mm two-pin reinforced cable. The black silver-plated copper cable features an angled connector designed to eliminate irritation at the ear.


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