Peavey PV SeriesPeavey Electronics has introduced the PV 6, PV 6 BT, PV 10 BT and PV 14 BT mixing consoles, aimed at both studio and live applications.

The consoles offer direct recording outputs, dual selectable control room outputs, 48Vphantom power, three‐band EQ per channel with bypass, compression, channel mute buttons, digital effects, signal clip indicators, stereo master LED meter bridge and Bluetooth capability. There is also an onboard guitar input setting, which adjusts the EQ and preamp for guitar. The PV 10 and PV 14 BT additionally have an LCD, USB‐A MP3 playback, high‐pass filters, Kosmos‐C bass and treble enhancement, as PV Listen feature. The Listen feature allows individual channels to be monitored via headphone or control room outputs.


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