Avid S6 v2.0 softwareAvid  has announced v2.0 software for the S6 control surface, offering enhancements that include allowing designated areas of the surface to spill VCAs, layouts, tracks by type and tracks by DAW. This is in addition to enabling on-screen banking to follow surface banking.

Users of the S6 M40 will find that Display Modules now show automation data along with waveforms.

The update is being handled in the UK by Scrub, a division of HHB specialising in postproduction: ‘Working with leading S6 users, Avid has turned valuable feedback into powerful new features that make working with the S6 even more efficient and workflow friendly,’ says Scrub Pro Tools Technical Support Engineer John Johnson. ‘The addition of Spill Zones brings incredible flexibility and the Expanded Knob Modules View will make Icon users feel right at home.’

More: www.avid.com 
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