Neyrinck has announced that its V-Control Pro iPad app control has been extended to many features in Adobe Premiere Pro. Available for both iPad and iPad mini is the first release of Premiere Pro that includes comprehensive external control features.
The Premiere Pro skin features eight faders, meters, pans, two banks of 16 programmable soft keys, automation keys, jog/shuttle wheel, transport controls and keys specifically dedicated for use with Premiere Pro to speed up and enhance the editing process.
Neyrinck founder Paul Neyrinck has been working on the new skin for some time: ‘The next version of Premiere Pro, that is being previewed at NAB 2013, has fantastic audio mixing features with busing, plug-ins, clip gain, and automation. And with this release you will be able to use V-Control Pro to get hands on multi-touch mixing control making it one of the best media production systems I have ever seen. We included a control skin for Adobe Audition in our last release so this new Premiere Pro skin will allow editors full touch-screen control of both these powerful postproduction tools from Adobe.’