‘The Jupiter App Finder was inspired by many eCommerce sites on which you can stack filters in a product category to narrow the list of products to those with the specific features you’re after,’ says Trent Wagner, Senior Product Manager at Symetrix.
With the App Finder, users can approach the Jupiter’s app library from two directions; either by the intended market/system type for the app, or by a specific feature in an App. ‘For example, you can see all apps we thought were best suited for Sound Reinforcement,’ Wagner explains. ‘Or, you can just look at the apps that have Feedback Fighters if that’s a feature you can’t live without. Going further, you can stack filters to see only apps that have, say, Feedback Fighters and two-way Crossovers on the backend. The possibilities and permutations are endless.’
Users can also compare up to four apps side-by-side, with the option to hide similarities among the apps under comparison to zero in on their differences. In both the full list view and the comparison view, users can click on a thumbnail of an app’s main screen to view an intuitive block diagram (signal flow) for the app. ‘The Jupiter App Finder has turned out be a great asset not only for our customers but for us to use at Symetrix as well,’ says Wagner, ‘When a customer calls in for more information on Jupiter, it’s really quick and easy for our support staff to get a feel for what the customer wants, and then quickly narrow down some apps to suggest.’
The App Finder follows Jupiter’s ‘zero learning curve’ philosophy by making the app library quick, simple, and easy to navigate.
More: www.symetrix.co