Netia AirPlayList 2.0Netia has announced the AirPlayList 2.0 module for its Netia Media Assist software sysytem.

AirPlayList 2.0  automated playout of multiple radio channels simultaneously and with guaranteed redundancy, in any format, on any platform, from anywhere and at any time. Because the module is AES67- and audio-over-IP-compliant, users can broadcast either from a traditional physical sound card or using IP-based virtual drivers.

Built on a distributed architecture, the AirPlayList 2.0 module augments the overall reliability and robustness of Media Assist playout. In high-demand scenarios, the user interface supports centralised control and monitoring of many different playout systems installed across different servers. Users can access and broadcast media or channels located within separate databases rather than one central database. With the module’s web-based interface, remote users can access the module to monitor or supervise playout on each channel and check the status of media.

To ensure high availability of media, the AirPlayList 2.0 module offers users the choice of one-to-one redundancy or a one-to-N option, in which a dedicated pool of servers ensures that even in the event of a disaster, a secondary server can recover media and ensure an uninterrupted broadcast.


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