Audio Precision has released the 376M03, a calibrated microphone system pairing a half-inch microphone cartridge with a phantom-powered preamplifier (426M16) in its half-inch configuration.
The new preamplifier combines the precision of calibrated, standardised measurement microphones with the convenience of ubiquitous mic accessories offering phantom power, balanced connections for improved immunity to induced noise, and easy connectivity via common XLR cables.
Whether purchased individually or as part of the 376M03 microphone system, the new preamplifier comes with adapters allowing it to mount either half-inch or quarter-inch standard IEC 61094-4 prepolarised microphone cartridges. Since microphones with larger diameters tend to have higher sensitivity and lower self-noise, while smaller mics can cover a wider frequency range, the preamplifier’s flexibility allows users to configure mic systems to specific measurement applications and take advantage of the relative strengths of different mic sizes.
Depending upon the AP microphone cartridge configured with the 426M16, mic system performance offers a noise floor as low as 15.5dB(A), or frequency response to 100kHz. The mic cartridges use a stainless alloy, which remains stable during temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure changes, yielding more accurate test results. The microphones are calibrated, ensuring the utmost of confidence in measurement results, especially when paired with calibrated instruments such as the APx1701 Transducer Test Interface and any APx500 Series audio analyser. Each mic is delivered with its own certificate of calibration.
In addition to their configurability, these mic systems may be paired with a wide range of microphone accessories offering phantom power, and the ready connectivity of common XLR cables. The use of balanced XLR cables also provide improved immunity to induced noise.
‘The capabilities and flexibility of our new phantom-powered microphones are the perfect complement to the performance and configurability of our APx audio analysers,’ says Audio Precision Chief Executive Officer, Dave Schmoldt. ‘We’re confident they’ll be a welcome addition to a host of applications, from loudspeaker measurement to high-definition recording.’