Dave Hill Designs’ current line comprises the Europa I, a class-A mic pre-amp offering control over transient response and pleasing harmonic distortion, and the RA, a TDM plug-in that emulates amplifier overload – that can be thought of ‘as an amplifier that is being over driven, but there is control over what part is being overdriven’.
‘My audio tools are about creating the highest possible quality in both design and build,’ says Hill, who founded Crane Song and was instrumental in the design of Avid’s ‘Heat’ engine for Pro Tools 9.
‘The tools are about solving real problems that are encountered while recording and creating new sounds. Designing audio tools; either hardware or software is also an art, it is like making a mix. You start with an idea, bring it to the point where it can be listened to, modify it, maybe or maybe not measure it, but most of all you listen to it a lot. You let the design evolve and you listen to it some more. Be creative, try new things, different things but most of all listen.’
More: www.kmraudio.com