With its new Madi monitor freshly launched at IBC, 4HM has named Audiopole as its distributor for France.
In the two years since its formation, 4HM has introduced a range of Madi interfaces, demuxers and format converters. Since their first use at the 2010 FIFA World Cup, 4HM units have played a part in every major sporting or televised event in the UK.
‘Audiopole’s position as the leading audio reseller in France made the company an obvious choice,’ says Barry Revels for 4HM. ‘Audiopole is a major distributor of audio desks, and when you consider our products are all about de-embedding multichannel audio from the broadcast stream, it was clear our two companies were a perfect match.’
‘The 4HM range of products has already proven itself in some of the biggest televised events of the last couple of years, so the quality is clear,’ adds Audiopole’s Jean-Philippe Blanchard. ‘When we were approached to form a distribution partnership with 4HM it was not a difficult decision to make. The range complements and enhances our existing product offering.’
Audiopole is supporting the full range of 4HM equipment with immediate effect.
See also:
4HM Madi-Mon
More: www.4hmbroadcast.com
More: www.audiopole.fr