Designed by Rudolf Steiner, Switzerland’s Goetheanum is the global HQ of the Anthroposophical Movement, where an upgrade to the house sound system has recently been completed with the installation of two Allen & Heath iLive digital mixing systems.
Dedicated to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, founder of the philosophy of anthroposophy, the iconic building now boasts two iDR-32 MixRacks configured in DualRack mode with an iLive-T80 Surface in the control room in its main 1,000-seat auditorium. A smaller iDR-16 MixRack has also been purchased as a portable system to be used with a PL-10 remote controller in the venue’s smaller lecture and conference theatres, or added via the network for additional I/O in the main auditorium.
The Goetheanum hosts performances by artists from its in-house community, including the eurythmy dance troupes, as well as visiting performers from around the world. There are also conferences focusing on themes of general interest several times a year, as well as a regular schedule of conferences for teachers, farmers, doctors, therapists and other professions.
Anthroposophy, meanwhile, postulates the existence of an objective, intellectually comprehensible spiritual world accessible to direct experience through inner development, and aims to develop faculties of perceptive imagination, inspiration and intuition through cultivating a form of thinking independent of sensory experience...