Italo Trading is to represent Hosa Technology throughout Latin America. A recently concluded agreement is expected to bring greater access to Hosa’s product lines in analogue and digital connectivity to music and A/V professionals throughout the region.
Headquartered in Miami and Porto Alegre (Brazil), Italo Trading is entrenched in musical instrument (MI) and pro audio technology and equipment. making decisions that will lead to success. ‘Hosa has an extensive group of products and the company’s reputation in the industry is stellar,’ says Italo Trading President, Daniel Salomao. ‘I am delighted to be tasked with representing the company throughout Latin America. There is a wealth of opportunity throughout this region and I am confident our new agreement will prove mutually beneficial for both companies.’
‘Italo Trading has an excellent reputation and I am certain this agreement represents yet another major step forward as we work to extend Hosa’s global reach,’ adds Jonathan Pusey, Hosa Technology VP of Sales & Marketing. ‘I believe this is a win-win deal for both companies.’