Founder of the LA-based Sound Design for Pros website, David Sonnenschein has lined up a free sound design webinar for 2 September. This is to run live on Thursday from 6pm to7pm PST, with a recording available to view anytime after 2 September.
Author of Sound Design: The Expressive Power of Music, Voice and Sound Effects in Cinema, Sonnenschein has a background in sound design for film, television and multimedia projects.
‘This free Intro Webinar will give you an overview of topics essential for the creative, professional sound designer that will be covered in detail in the upcoming six-week webinar series beginning 8 September,’ he says. ‘You will see and hear audiovisual demonstrations that will stimulate your auditory mind and sharpen your abilities to produce powerful soundtracks. We will also have an open chat for your questions related to sound design.’
Of Sound Design for Pros, Sonnenschein says: ‘My intention is to continue expanding the application of sound design toward new industries, media and audiences. In particular, I am focusing on audio applications for interactive media, mobile media, sound therapy, and online audio game tutorials for both consumer and professional audiovisual producers.’