Having handled the upgrade, systems integrator Snader and Associates added two of Symetrix’ new cost-effective ‘zero learning curve’ processors to address delays in the video signal. ‘We were all aware that there would be some delay issues with up- and down-conversion but these were worse than we expected,’ says Snader engineer, Nicholas Smith. ‘Perhaps more importantly, the delay times were inconsistent and depended on which combination of cameras and devices were used for a particular broadcast. That meant we couldn’t simply slap a fixed delay on the audio and call it done. The situation called for more nuance.’
Snader and Associates helped assemble Yahoo!’s sports broadcast facility back in 2000, and swapped existing equipment for an HD path and a new switcher. Nevertheless, some of the facility’s standard definition workflow had to remain in place.
‘I was aware of Symetrix’ new Jupiter line, which contains high-end processing capabilities within a remarkably easy to manipulate interface at a cost that was actually less than a rack full of broadcast delays,’ Smith says. ‘Jupiter is an elegant solution – users can easily adjust the delays to meet the needs of a particular broadcast. It didn’t cost much, and yet it contained all kinds of potential to meet future needs.’
The Symetrix Jupiter series is inspired, in part, by smartphone technology. Users download an app that meets the requirements of their sound system from the Symetrix website, and the Jupiter hardware is immediately and appropriately configured. If needed, settings can be from an intuitive programming interface. For Yahoo!, Smith used the Sound Reinforcement 2 app, which allowed the client to route audio sources through the Jupiter and adjust the delay to match the video. The two Jupiter 8 units (each with eight inputs and eight outputs) stand between the facility’s audio router and its mixing desk. A dedicated laptop allows operators to dial in the appropriate delay with speed and precision.
More: www.snader.com
More: www.symetrix.com