Blue Man Productions – the company behind the renowned Blue Man Group (BMG) stage shows – recently upgraded the personal monitor mixing systems for its new family of performance spaces and portable systems across the world, selecting products from Allen & Heath’s Qu digital and ME monitor ranges.
Formed in 1991, Blue Man Group is a performance art ensemble, which stages ongoing theatrical productions in Las Vegas, Orlando, Boston, Chicago, New York and Berlin, as well as touring the globe.
Provided by Clearwing Productions and Allen & Heath’s US distributor, American Music & Sound, seven systems were provided, each comprising two Qu-Pac rackmount digital mixers with an additional AR2412 remote IO rack, and nine ME-1 personal mixers with 3 ME-U hubs, as the standard across the world for BMG’s personal monitor mixing.
Audio quality and ease of use was a big factor when they started to evaluate potential systems. After a long evaluation period, a ME monitoring system and Qu-Pac rackmount digital mixer with AR2412 remote I/O rack were put to the test in listening sessions with music directors of BMG, Las Vegas BMG performers and BMG audio technicians involved with maintaining the show.
‘It was a unanimous decision to go with Allen & Heath. We needed an audio system that would grow with the shows and BMG, and meet the demanding technical requirements. Allen & Heath provided us with the flexibility, quality and potential for expansion that was unparalleled by other offerings on the market,’ says Blue Man Productions’ Resident Audio Supervisor, Marcus Ross.