Codec manufacturer Tieline has announced v3.02.12 firmware for its Gateway and Gateway 4 codecs, integrating Ravenna support for interfacing codecs and Ravenna devices over AoIP networks.
‘Ever since the days of POTS and ISDN, Tieline has always advocated for interoperability of equipment from different manufacturers,’ says Tieline VP of Sales for APAC/EMEA, Charlie Gawley. ‘The world of IP is no different. It’s why our Gateway platform is AES67, ST 2110-30, NMOS and now Ravenna compliant, allowing devices using different AoIP protocols to connect seamlessly.’
Tieline codecs stream low-latency, high-quality audio over a range of wired and wireless IP transports and facilitate the integration of compressed and uncompressed IP audio streams around the broadcast plant. The codecs are often gateway devices in IP networks bridging between wide area network (WAN) nodes that may include the broadcast plant, other studios (inter-studio links), production facilities and live events.
Gateway and Gateway 4 codecs provide a flexible platform capable of adeptly routing audio between a range of equipment using proprietary AoIP protocols like WheatNet-IP, as well as devices supporting Ravenna, AES67 and ST 2110-30.
The new firmware release is a free upgrade for existing customers. Release notes can be viewed and firmware downloaded from the support page for each codec.