The JoeCoRemote enables the JoeCo BlackBox Recorder and JoeCo BlackBox Player to be remotely controlled via iPad. Developed for use with a range of iPad models, the JoeCoRemote app, in combination with a specially designed hardware interface, offers control of any 24-channel or 64-channel BlackBox Recorder/Player.
The iPad interface enables all transport functions (play, record, stop) to be remotely controlled, as well as providing access to the BlackBox menu structure for changing settings. In addition to providing a remote control surface and highly accurate metering application for the BlackBox Recorder, it can also be used for remotely controlling and editing BlackBox Player playlists. Playlists stored on the Player can be viewed and edited on the iPad interface as required, before being stored back on the Player’s disk, offering an intuitive alternative for remote editing of show content. The iPad interface also provides a further option for triggering playlists during shows, theatre performances and themed entertainment.
‘Developing the JoeCoRemote has been a significant project, and we are delighted that the package is now available for our users,’ says JoeCo MD, Joe Bull. ‘While developing the software and hardware has presented the usual challenges, the real challenge has been to design a system that can be quickly set up for use by busy engineers, artists and musical directors for a number of different applications, without requiring detailed knowledge of networking technology. We have therefore tried to find solutions for connectivity that give increased flexibility, while maintaining the ease of use with which our BlackBox systems have become associated.’
JoeCoRemote has been primarily developed to work wirelessly, via the hardware interface. A cable is also supplied with the interface to provide wired connectivity for locations where multiple competing WiFi signals can create a congested environment.
The JoeCoRemote software app can be downloaded free of charge from the iTunes App Store. The required hardware interface can be purchased through JoeCo resellers.