Tascam Audio File Manager software is designed for both field and multitrack recordists to confirm the content of recorded material and organise their recordings ready for transition to the next stage in a project.

Tascam Audio File Manager softwareTascam Audio File Manager is a file browser that displays the waveform of every file in a selected library, and brings a set of additional features. With the system’s waveform display, users can zoom in and out to take a close look at the waveforms. This visual confirmation can show at a glance if there is any peaking or popping in the captured audio, and sonic imperfections that users typically want to eliminate.

Basic editing functions include Copy, Cut and Paste, along with Mute and Normalize functions that further optimise recordings.

Field recordists may capture hundreds of audio files in a day, making the typical organisational process lengthy. The Tascam Audio File Manager can be used to easily Rename or simultaneously Add a prefix to multiple files.

Once audio files are satisfactorily named and identified, moving the material is assisted by Audio File Manager’s support for network drive or cloud services such as AWS storage or Dropbox. The software makes it easy to load files to such network/cloud services for sharing with other team members.

In addition to its editing functions, Tascam Audio File Manager supports multichannel playback of Tascam formatted audio files with its integrated mixer. The software supports standard mono .wav files as well as poly .wav files such as those commonly found on SD, SDHC and SDXC cards. Poly .wav files are multitrack recording sessions that are packaged in a single file. Once loaded into a DAW, these files expand and enable users to edit individual tracks as opposed to just the stereo mix of a traditional .wav file. The software supports sampling frequencies ranging from 44.1kHz-192kHz. Supported bit depth includes 16-bit, 24-bit and 32-bit float, as well as 32-bit integer. Files from both Windows OS and macOS are supported.

In addition, Tascam Audio File Manager provides broad support for a wide range of commonly encountered audio file formats including WAV, MP3, AIFF, AIFC, SD2, Mp2, MPEG4 and M4a.

‘There’s nothing really quite like this software available on the market,’ says Sean Daily, Tascam Product Specialist. ‘You’ll commonly find programs like Tascam Audio File Manager for video production, but not the audio side of things – that’s where we’ve stepped in. Audio editors and engineers deserve a solution such as this.’

More: www.tascam.com

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