Nicolas Kyvernitis Electronics Enterprises (NMK) has supplied three Gulf rental companies with the Shure’s AXT600 Axient Spectrum Manager – Production Technology, Mediakraft and Showtech are now using the system to manage their UHF-R inventories.
The AXT600 Axient Spectrum Manager delivers wide-band UHF spectrum scanning, spectrum analysis and compatible frequency coordination in a single unit. By scanning and displaying the RF environment, calculating compatible frequencies and relaying them to Axient, ULX-D and UHF-R receivers, it offers a sophisticated interface and guide for locating the best available frequencies for any number of wireless channels.
‘The AXT600 is flexible enough to monitor and rank a live list of backup frequencies and pass them instantly to UHF-R Wireless receivers or automatically to Axient transmitters when the Axient receivers detects interferences,’ Shajahan KK, NMK’s Shure Product Manager. ‘The new Shure Wireless Workbench 6 software along with the Axient Spectrum Manager offers a rich graphical interface to manage any wireless network.’