Nexo’s NeMo app provides remote control over a network of NXAmp TDControllers, the proprietary amplification and management systems for all Nexo loudspeakers.
Presently running on Apple iPad and iPhone, NeMo provides intuitive control via Wi-Fi, with the ability to visualise and organise a network on a 2D map. It can monitor and control the parameters of one or many NXAmp devices.
In the network view, the status of the four channels on each NXAmp is displayed. Channels can be muted single or in groups – groups and subgroups are formed by tap-and-drag. In the settings view, vu meters indicate the channel levels of selected devices with sliders, text fields and buttons to set channel parameters. Patching is accomplished by tapping and dragging from a plug to a channel.
The NeMo skin can be customised for user, tour or venue, by the addition of images from a user’s library, draggable and resizable.
It is available from iTunes for a one-off fee.