Nexo NeMoNexo’s NeMo app provides remote control over a network of NXAmp TDControllers, the proprietary amplification and management systems for all Nexo loudspeakers.

Presently running on Apple iPad and iPhone, NeMo provides intuitive control via Wi-Fi, with the ability to visualise and organise a network on a 2D map. It can monitor and control the parameters of one or many NXAmp devices.

Key features:
· Input and output levels
· Patching between outs and inputs
· Output parameters control
· Device and channel mute and solo
· Setups and scenes

In the network view, the status of the four channels on each NXAmp is displayed. Channels can be muted single or in groups – groups and subgroups are formed by tap-and-drag. In the settings view, vu meters indicate the channel levels of selected devices with sliders, text fields and buttons to set channel parameters. Patching is accomplished by tapping and dragging from a plug to a channel.

The NeMo skin can be customised for user, tour or venue, by the addition of images from a user’s library, draggable and resizable.

It is available from iTunes for a one-off fee.

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