Optocore has announced a significant upgrade option to its M12 Madi switch, adding Madi Mirroring.
The M12 Madi router was released in 2015, with its internal FPGA-based architecture allowing features to be added in the future by issuing new firmware. This has now been proved, largely in response to requests from Optocore customers.
‘We received several requirements and suggestions for implementation, and we have responded accordingly,’ says Optocore Technical Sales Manager, Maciek Janiszewski.
The aim of the new device is to mirror Madi ports, with the input patch from a single Madi port mirrored to another. With the main and backup Madi streams both capable of being run to the M12 the device will switch the patch between the two input streams so that the audio feed is consistent on the output side, regardless of the input Madi stream used. Switching between the main and backup Madi can be effected in two different ways – either based on lost signal detection or triggered by GPI (the RS485 port on the M12).
‘This feature will be especially popular with DiGiCo SD7 Quantum users who can simply connect the Madi outputs from the Engine A to the main Madi ports of the M12, and the Madi outputs from Engine B to the backup Madi ports of M12,’ Janiszewski explains. ‘The M12 can then be used with other M-series devices or any Optocore output devices to distribute those Madi ports to either recording or broadcast feeds. If one engine is non-functional, the console will send GPO to the M12 which will switch all active Madi streams to the backup ones. This will keep recording and live broadcast both redundant and secure.’
‘We see the primary focus of this product very much in installation, such as theatres,’ says Optocore Director Tine Helmle, citing Düsseldorf’s Schauspiel as a modern theatre with a progressive approach to sound design, adopting a multiple ring approach.
More: www.optocore.com