Bringing the features its Intelli-X² processors to the installation market, Apex has released the Intelli-Z².
‘Intelli-Z² delivers the same level of power, control and performance, but in an installation-friendly package,’ says Jeroen Sierjacobs, Apex Marketing Manager. ‘Intelli-Ware is a powerful control application but it is very easy to use. It makes Intelli-Z² the ideal control solution for situations where processors are installed in places that don’t lend themselves to frequent, straightforward access.’
Launched 18 months ago, Apex’s Intelli-X² processors have found regular use with touring bands, musicals and festivals. With processors for fixed installations – such as theatres and conference venues – often located in amplifier or control racks that are not easy to access, the Intelli-Z² system management processor calls on Apex’s Intelli-Ware remote control software to control a four-input/eight-output configuration, integral mixer and selectable analogue or AES-3 I/O. This is now possible without the additional cost of hardware controls as it is controlled via a computer or tablet running Intelli-Ware.