Lectrosonics has released v2.0 control software for its Aspen Series of processors. Based on the Microsoft Silverlight platform more intuitive GUI designed by Lectrosonics Senior Software Developer, Yuri Potapov.
Version 2.0 software provides full screen and GUI scalability with real time response, allowing users to take advantage of high-resolution displays for faster system workflow. Equally significant, v2.0 incorporates an integrated macro editor with ‘fast jump’ editing. This enables programmers to jump from one macro to another for faster editing, with full cut and paste capability. Additionally, the macro recorder is fully visible during editing. Also prominent among v2.0’s features are its full system matrix visibility – all crosspoints in all Aspen processor units are fully visible and configurable from the master unit view. Each cross point shows gain, mode, polarity and mute state at a glance.
The Integrated Command Terminal provides easy confirmation of control system codes while remaining within the software’s GUI. The new software also provides simultaneous project and connected system views, which facilitates easy comparison of a saved system file against the settings in a connected system. Integrators can use a library of existing jobs to construct a new system using part, or all, of previously saved configurations.
Version 2.0 software also incorporates a variety of online features, including fast, free upgrades and online help.
‘Yuri integrated into this new interface virtually every request we’ve had from the field for desired features and capabilities,’ says Lectrosonics VP of Sales, Gordon Moore. ‘Aspen 2.0 allows an incredibly faster and much more intuitive system configuration. This new software functions the way one actually works during a system setup in the field – following the natural workflow for a DSP configuration. I’m using it now in my own church for real-time system control.’