Clear-Com has announced new features for its Arcadia Central Station scalable IP intercom platform, including integration with HelixNet Digital Partyline.

Clear-Com Arcadia Central StationWith support for more than 100 beltpacks and 180 ports of mixing capability, the 1U-high package, Arcadia powers the company’s wired and wireless analogue and digital intercom systems. Together with Dante connectivity, it supports the broadest range of wireless solutions with 1.9GHz, 2.4GHz, and 5GHz systems working together simultaneously. This latest set of new features also includes a 5GHz scanning tool for FreeSpeak Edge systems, along with increased beltpack capacity for FreeSpeak systems and an increase in licensed port capacity.

Support includes up to 64 HelixNet endpoints – including HelixNet Remote Stations, Speaker Stations and Beltpacks – over 24 HelixNet-enabled channels. The new 5GHz scanning tool will display and recommend open frequency channels for FreeSpeak Edge transceivers and beltpacks, assisting engineers in deploying wireless system without interference from other Wi-Fi device traffic.

Expanding on port capacity, Arcadia now offers up to 128 IP ports, (previously 96), for an additional eight FreeSpeak beltpacks and a total of 40 (previously 32), and up to 24 ports for HelixNet channels, while still providing additional intercom access through eight four-wire ports, four two-wire ports and up to 64 Dante audio ports.

Designed with input from Clear-Com’s extensive and diverse user base, Arcadia is suited to a wide variety of applications, from corporate events being broadcast to global offices to a local performance venue, to the largest and most complex live events in the world. ‘HelixNet integration is what everyone’s been waiting for,’ says Product Manager, Kari Eythorsson.

‘Customer excitement upon hearing about this new feature has been encouraging, and people are really pleased with how comprehensive the integration is, along with the sheer capacity we’re able to offer in a single rackspace. With this latest update, Arcadia supports up to 24 channels of HelixNet across 64 endpoints, and we’re planning to integrate even more features in the future.’

Arcadia Central Station with HelixNet integration is scheduled ship in summer 2022.


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